David Boromisza-Habashi

David Boromisza-Habashi

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David Boromisza-Habashi (Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder) is an ethnographer of communication who studies the relationship between culture, communication, and globalization. His research focuses on the ways communication facilitates the movement of discursive resources across cultural boundaries. He is particularly interested in how speakers assign various kinds of value to discursive resources, and what role value has to play in the global circulation of speech genres such as Anglo-American public speaking and metadiscursive terms such as “hate speech” and “communication.”

Projets de recherche
    • Hate speech as cultural practice


      Boromisza-Habashi’s project is an ethnography of the uses and circulation of the term “hate speech” (gyűlöletbeszéd) in Hungarian political discourse between 2000 and 2006. The project focused on the context-bound use of the term across a variety of institutional contexts and social groups as a window onto the cultural logic of political and moral struggle in public deliberation. Boromisza-Habashi documented competing meanings of the term, the interpretive strategies speakers used to generate those competing meanings, and the parallel moral systems that inspired political actors to question their opponents’ interpretations. In contrast to most extant research on hate speech, his study did not depart from established definitions of the term. Instead, he used a combination of ethnographic and discourse analytic methods to amp existing meanings and provide insight into the sociocultural life of those meanings in a troubled political environment.